Caution regarding counterfeit and fake products
Thank you for your continued support of Arts & Science.
Recently, we have received multiple inquiries about counterfeit products sold on international e-commerce platforms. Please be aware that these are not Arts & Science products. All counterfeit products are made illegally, using our designs without legal consent, and the materials and craftsmanship of these fake items are not consistent with our quality standards. Genuine A&S products cannot be imitated, as they are built upon one-of-a-kind, personal collaborations with craftspeople who have achieved singular and exceptional quality and design standards in their work. Genuine A&S products can be purchased ONLY from the following sources:
Please protect yourself by purchasing only genuine, original A&S items from the sources listed above. Do not purchase from the counterfeit market.
Recently, we have received multiple inquiries about counterfeit products sold on international e-commerce platforms. Please be aware that these are not Arts & Science products. All counterfeit products are made illegally, using our designs without legal consent, and the materials and craftsmanship of these fake items are not consistent with our quality standards. Genuine A&S products cannot be imitated, as they are built upon one-of-a-kind, personal collaborations with craftspeople who have achieved singular and exceptional quality and design standards in their work. Genuine A&S products can be purchased ONLY from the following sources:
- Our official EC website, www.arts-science.com, under the “ONLINE SELLER intl.” option.
- Stores that are owned and operated by Arts & Science Co., Ltd. A current list of our shops in Tokyo, Kyoto, and Fukuoka is available on our official brand website.
- Stores of our official wholesalers, a list of which you will find on our official brand website under “STOCKIST LIST”
Please protect yourself by purchasing only genuine, original A&S items from the sources listed above. Do not purchase from the counterfeit market.